
City of Ghosts


City of Ghosts follows the true stories of two men who, in effort to provide for their families, left their native countries of Ukraine and Bulgaria for work under the guise of better pay and opportunity. Upon arrival at a farm in Greece, both men, passports taken from them, must decide how to survive and escape back to their home countries. After months of forced labor, Uri sees (from a distance) his home country of Ukraine under the earliest state of attack and risks his life to escape with the intention of finding his family. Upon Uri’s disappearance, his counterpart Rosen must pick up where he left off.


  • Directed by
    Christian Elliott & Elle Ginter
  • written by Elle Ginter
  • Produced by:
    Stephen Montgomery
  • Starring
    Evan Holovatskyi, Martin Hristov


  • 2023 BEST SHORT FILM – 21st IN THE PALACE International Short Film Festival
  • 2023 Global insights Award – Juries choice Thomas Edison Film Festival
  • 2023 Annual Best Short Film London International Web & Shorts Film Festival (UK)
  • 2023 Best Director Cannes World Film Festival
  • 2023 Best Short Film –  Washington DC International Cinema Festival
  • 2023 Best International Short film –  Lonely Wolf 2023
  • 2023 Best director – RED MOVIE AWARDS
  • 2023 Best Short Movie – New York Movie Awards
  • 2023 Best Director Florence Film Awards
  • 2023 Best director – London Director Awards
  • 2023 Best short film, Best score, Best Director Sofia Art Film Awards
  • 2023 Best international Short Film – Swedish International Film Festival
  • 2023 Cult Movies International Film Festival (10th Season)
  • 2023 Rome Prisma Film Awards
  • 2023 What Will They Think of Next Film Festival
  • 2023 Shockfest Film Festival
  • 2023 ON THE BEACH International Film Festival
  • 2023 New York Shorts International Film Festival
  • 2023 FFI London